Tuesday 9 June 2009

Eclipse - Stephanie Meyer

Ok, ok so I cheated a little and went straight onto the third book, I just could not help myself!!

I'm telling you addictive!

This book is wrapped once again around Bella and Edward and countless enemies (mainly vampires) that hanker after this young woman. I'm telling you she is either the unluckiest girl in the world or the luckiest it does depend on how you look at it.

Jacob Black features prominently in this story as well, Bella surrounds herself with guys who have big BIG secrets, Jacob is no exception.

I hate to say too much about the story at this point, after the film has come out I may say more, most people probably already know this gist of the tale. Vampires have a mortal enemy and have done so for centuries that is apart from the Cullens who because of their strange way of living have a truce with said enemy.

The story centres around this truce and the now apparent competition between Edward and Jacob for Bella's love. This is brilliantly done I might add, it has the right amount of jealousy mixed with humour that make it so enjoyable to read, it's almost like it's being acted out in front of you. The uneasy truce between Edward and Jacob for Bella's safety makes you laugh, and cringe when emotions run raw.

I have to say though my one critique of the whole sage is Edward's slightly over controlling demeanour toward Bella and her seemingly inability to think for herself when he's not around. At times I really want to slap the girl tell her to stop whining and pull herself together, for Vampire or not he is just a boy and he hurt her, she should definitely not let him have so much control. Throughout the book I can see that he is simply guilt ridden over what he did to her and now wants to protect her at all costs, I suppose I can understand that a bit, but I do like it when Bella gets brave and rebels.

Her friendship with Jacob Black has however come at a price as he now feels for her, just as strongly as Edward does and in some ways he is much better for her, (I feel). I enjoyed this story thoroughly and once again read it in two nights (I do have to work and sleep at some point). The story moved me more than the other two, I really feel how torn Bella is as the characters are so well written, if I had to choose between the two, I am not too sure I could.

The book kind of ends on an anti climax, which is good in a way as the story the climatic end is yet to come. But I once again have to promise myself to keep writing. Breaking Dawn will be my reward. I just hope something else just as potent to read comes out so I will continue to give myself the motivation to write lol or I will just read the saga again.

I digress, very well written, and more thought provoking and multi faceted than the other two, there is a maturity to this book that is lacking in the others, I find this deepens the book and gives it more meaning, suddenly the world isn't all Bella and Edward anymore and I like it.


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