Tuesday 9 June 2009

New Moon - Stephanie Meyer

Well, I kept my promise to myself, I wrote more of my story before I allowed myself to buy this, the second book in the Twilight saga. If you dont know what Twilight is by now, then you've been living under a rock or clearly have more of a live than I do lol.

To the book!!

This tale is following directly on from Twilight continuing the romance between Vampire Edward Cullen and human teenage girl Bella Swan. This story however takes a dramatic turn and becomes a story simply about Bella. I shall explain.

*Small Spoiler alert - do not read if you wish to read the book first hand or see the up and coming film*

It begins with Bella's 18th birthday party thrown for her by the Cullens, and due to an accident (they happen frequently to Bella as she is a trouble magnet) she gets a paper cut on her finger and a single drop of blood appears, this causes Jasper (Edwards adoptive brother) who struggles to control his thirst, to try and attack Bella, Edward intervenes (of course) and sends Bella flying which results in a serious gash on her arm and now free flowing blood. This is not good for the vegetarian Cullens who dont drink human blood. Carlisle, the Doctor is the only one who stays with Bella to stitch up her arm. This is when all Bella's troubles begin.

Edward quite understandably freaks out a little and distances himself from Bella before finally telling her that he doesnt want to be with her anymore and that he and his whole family are leaving and it will be like he never existed, (I was sort of expecting this as he can be very melodramatic at times, forgive me if I am too attached lol). He leaves Bella in the forest, heart broken and a complete mess.

The next few pages simply have what month it is on each as it passes for Bella, who is pretty much zombified by Edward's disappearance. And if anyone out there has felt the pain of a seriously broken heart, then you'll find that a nice touch to the book, in those few simple words Stephanie tells you of Bella's state of mind and how badly hurt she is. The real story begins when Bella seems to come out of her waking comatose like state and starts hanging out with family friend Jacob Black.

Jacob appeared briefly in Twilight and it was plainly obvious he had a soft spot for Bella despite being slightly younger than her. He is a fun loving character who enjoys taking risks such as cliff diving and riding his motorbike. Throughout the book the two teenagers become very close, with Jacob making his feelings toward Bella not so subtle. Now Bella is still hurting badly because of Edward but feels quite safe and happy when she's with Jacob, as I read personally, I found myself becoming more in tune with the Jacob character and hoping that somehow she would choose him.

The book goes on obviously with Edward coming back into it, but with a twist which I dont want to spoil for you, all I can say is well done Stephanie, the book kept me gripped once again from beginning to end and I do so hate the band wagon I am neither a teenage girl nor a twilight mum and I love this saga so far. It's addictive and innocently written, it is by all accounts simply a romance based in a fantasy, written in such a way that you can go back to believing in Vampires and magic and true love.

See for yourself, let go and enjoy!


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