Sunday 7 September 2008

Finally I got to read the final book of the Harry Potter series. I had decided a while ago that I was not going to be putting extra money into publishers pockets and get the hard back version. Mostly it was because all my collection is paperback and I decided to be stubborn and wait.

The torture was only a couple of months long as everyone else read theirs fairly quick. After that I had nearly forgotten it until I got the newsletter from Waterstones announcing it.

As you can tell, I am just filling post space because there isn't a lot to say about this book apart from... Wow! It was great!
Very dark... not sure how it can get away with being a children's book. It was a very fulfilling finale and I can safely say: "Aha! I knew it about Snape!". Despite a few correct guesses, the way it was delivered filled my imagination and made me a very bad employee as I slept late every night and was antisocial spending every lunch hour reading.

Now I just wonder, what else will J.K.Rowling have to offer in the future...


  1. Casujoiah said...
    hey hun

    she already got another book out in waterstones called the adventures of beadle bard or something to that effect its pretty new just look up j.k. rowling :)
    ovelha_ranhosa said...
    from day 1 ,i've been following your "reading adventures", and i can say now, that you both are a reference to me. i like your style, and i thank you for let me know some authors i didn't knew. I've mentioned your blog in one of my posts, hope you don't mind. Have any of you, by any chance gone trough "non-fiction" by Chuck Palahniuk? would love to know your comments on that one. on other hand, will you only talk about the books you love? no "hate list"? :) keep up!
    Valielen said...
    Olá Ranhoso!
    I haven't read anything by Chuck Palahniuk yet but I'm hoping you can help me rectify that at some point :)
    Thanks for mentioning us in your blog!

    I haven't really got a hate list just because hate is a very strong word and I find that there is always something to like even if the overall result is rubbish.

    I may well pre-order that book. But then again I have something against the more expensive hardbacks. I have yet to read the second book you gave me for my Birthday so I may just wait.

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